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What to Do During an Apartment Visit

Apartment visit

What to Do During an Apartment Visit

You might have a great idea of what you’re looking for in a new apartment, but finding a great place can still be tricky. There are a lot of different factors to consider from pricing to amenities. It can be an overwhelming experience for sure. Here are some tips on what you should do during an apartment visit.

Take Notes

Taking notes is the most important thing you can do. Nothing is too small to miss as a note. Without notes, you can forget small details that might become major issues later on after you have already signed a lease. You can also take note of small things like the exterior grounds and how well the property is maintained. This will give you an idea of how well maintenance works around the property.

You should also take note of how friendly the staff is. These are the people you’ll be speaking with whenever you have an issue, so if they are friendly and accommodating that is a good start. If you can, try to talk to any current residents of the property. Their experience can say a lot about the property.

The Unit Itself

Visiting the apartment itself is a critical step in the process. If you notice broken items or a strange smell it can immediately turn you off to the space. Remember, the rental agent is making a first impression too. Be sure to ask to see an empty unit and not just the model. It gives you a better idea of how each unit is maintained by the staff.

Take Pictures

In this case a picture is definitely worth a thousand words. Taking pictures allows you to keep a visual record of the place and keeps it fresh in your mind. If you’re visiting multiple places take a picture of the sign first so you can keep each property’s pictures grouped together.

Stick With a Checklist

Always be sure to have a checklist of what you’re looking for in a new home. If a complex with a pool is important to you then keep it on your checklist. If you want a ground floor apartment don’t settle for a third floor walk-up. By sticking to your checklist you’ll have a much happier experience in the end.

Yes, apartment hunting takes time, but it can be easier by making sure you get what you want and by taking notes of where you visit. It can also help you nab the apartment you want quickly before anyone else gets it.


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